Our planning and response activities focus on severe U.S. public health emergencies arising from a natural disaster, pandemic or act of bioterrorism, and include international public health considerations that may affect the delivery of critical medicines in the United States.
Our effort is focused on addressing incidents of national significance. A public health emergency will be determined on a case by case basis by employing the following guidance:
• Disaster declaration by a U.S. Governor or the U.S. President
• American Red Cross Level V+ Event
• Department of Homeland Security Severe Classification
• World Health Organization Phase IV+ Event
• Health and Human Services Stage 2+ Event
We believe that normal business practices are able to handle most local situations. During severe public health emergencies, we will help facilitate communication between various points in the pharmaceutical supply chain to help ensure that patients receive their medications.
If you are unsure if an emergency has been declared, or for more information about current disasters, visit DisasterHelp.gov.